Educational Courses

Parks and Recreation Center
795 South 5th West
Mountain Home, ID

6:30 – 8:00 pm

Language: Spanish

Limited Seats Available

Diversity Center
440 W Judicial Blackfoot, ID

6:30 – 8:00 pm

Language: Spanish

Limited Seats Available

COURSE: How To Get Financing For Your Small Business.

FOR: Future & Small Business Owners

While many small business owners may have been through a personal loan process like financing a car or buying a home, the commercial loan process is a little different.

You can increase your chances of a successful application by understanding:

  • What lenders are looking for
  • How the process works
  • Eligibility

About the Class

  • How to prepare for the commercial loan application process. 
  • How to prepare for MoFi’s lending process and criteria.
  • How to build a path to bankability.

In person. Location varies depending upon date. See offerings list for more details

Optional: Bring your business cards and a sample of your products
Snacks and light refreshments provided


Amanda, Justin and family, Missoula, MT

Home Loans

Meet Amanda & Justin

Amanda and Justin needed a larger home with more space for their growing boys. The HomeNow program provided the boost they needed to get into the family into its new home.